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Monday, 16 December 2013

Akaun Facebook Baru


Sob...sob...sob... Lama x post kt sini... sori atas kesibukan.

Untuk makluman semua... akaun facebook lama saya iaitu Vid Vita dah x boleh digunakan lagi.
Camtu jugak dgn page lama Secret of Beauty : Vid Vita...

Sila la add FB baru saya Haidiahvita Sumarlan
Nama penuh lagi tu....
Dan sudi2 lah like page baru saya Impian & Rahsia Wanita - bersama Vid Vita.

Sekian, untuk makluman semua.

Sunday, 14 July 2013


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Friday, 19 April 2013


credit to CDM Cikgu Apit

Entry ni khas buat kawan2 yang baru mencari2 bisnes yang sesuai... atau yang ragu2 tentang networking biz...

Fahami & moga bermanfaat buat semua...

Pasti ramai yang nak tahu, apa trend sekarang kaki skim cepat kaya buat????? 

Saya dpt kisah ini dari sumber yg telah menyaksikan keadaan di mana ramai yg ‘melabur’ untuk mendapat duit setiap bulan tanpa buat apa2.

Sebelum sy teruskan kisah ini, sy suka nak kongsi cerita sy dulu sekitar hujung 2007….hampir terjebak dgn skim cepat kaya puluhan ribu ini.

Mungkin ketika itu, sy sendiri mmg beriya2 nak cari duit lebih sbb nak kahwin (elak buat loan dan kahwin)….so kebetulan, rakan sekolah nak jumpa dan berkongsi peluang bisnes…..

Mmg hebat peluang yg ada dan sy mmg terpengaruh dgn apa yg sepatutnya sy dpt bila sy join….

Tetapi, sy bijak sikit masa tu….
sy tanya, “macamane nak jual produk ni sdgkan ini produk untuk wanita????”
Soalan sy dijawab juga dgn soalan…
“ada aku citer pasal jual barang?”
Dan dgn jawapan itu, (tidak mngikut jawapn dlm skema sy) sy tolak secara baik pelawaannya untuk join dgn bisnes tersebut.

Alhamdulillah, keesokkannya sy cari kebenaran dan kebetulan Cik Mun mngenali felony CDM Lin yg dah lama buat BISNES ni. Bila bersama STG, caranya lain, sistemnya lain walau platform yg digunakan sama….Selepas 20minit presentation sy bersetuju untuk proceed rm40k sebagai modal permulaan dan paling best….selepas 3bulan, hajat utama buat bisnes ialah KAHWIN…Berjaya. Syukur….

Pada sy, asas bisnes sgt MUDAH…..

Kalau perkara ini tiada dlm BISNES kita, mana mungkin BISNES kita dipanggil BISNES.

Tiada jual beli, tiada penjual, tiada pembeli dan tiada juga akad jual dan beli.

Contoh mudah, kalau kita buka gerai burger, mana ada peniaga burger yg dpt untung tanpa menjual burger….

Tetapi, inilah kelemahan ORG KITE….apabila dijanjikan dgn ‘BISNES’….TAK PERLU JUAL BARANG…
Berduyun-duyun menyertainya…..mmg tak suka nombor 4D, tapi suka Duduk Diam Dapat Duit.

Sistem 4D ini mmg tak pernah berjaya kepada PELABURnya tetapi untuk PENGANJURnya……masyuuukkkkk!!!!!!!!!

Ini kisah 5 tahun dulu dan sy percaya saban tahun kesedaran ORG KITE semakin bertambah ttg skim2 yg tak menguntungkan ni.(Cikgu Apit tetap terjebak dgn Skim Pelaburan Kambing, sekitar 2008, pengajaran yg sgt berharga)

Dan kini….jeng jeng jeng….2013…IA MUNCUL KEMBALI…..

Jadi….apa pulak yg berlaku sekarang……masih lagi dgn Platform dan Syarikat yg sama!!!!!
TETAPI……lain pulak bunyinya…lain pulak istilah2nya dan lain pulak ‘janji’nya….

Berikut, MO yg digunakan untuk memastikan mata ORG KITE kabur…..

1.Dgn nama group yg baru….PELABUR yg melabur bukan menjadi pengedar kepada syarikat tetapi menjadi bisnes partner syarikat….maknanya bukan berniaga under nama syarikat tetapi menjadi mcm ‘share holder’ dalam syarikat.

2.Selain menjadi ’Share Holder’, pelabur juga akan mendapat portion dalam pembinaan sebuah AKADEMI yg melahirkan ramai jutawan segera dan AKADEMI ini bakal dilancarkan Jun nanti oleh salah seorang mantan Perdana Menteri kita. (misi nya sgt bagus, sebagus tahun2 sebelum ini yg menyatakan penubuhan sebuah KOPERASI/KONSORTIUM)

3.Yg paling disukai ramai, setiap pelabur hanya pelu MANTAIN rm300 untuk dapat bonus setiap bulan hingga RM8000

4.Produk….ada dan dapat….untuk apa? Untuk diberi kepada ibu ayah atau saudara mara….(konsep sedekah digunaka tetapi bukan konsep asas bisnes)

Setakat ini, sy berikan 4 sahaja MO yg digunakan kerana ada beberapa lagi yang tidak boleh dinyatakan di sini.
So isunya, pihak Syarikat tidak pernah menjanjikan bahagian ‘share ‘ dlm syarikat. Yang ingin menjadi ahli sebenarnya hanya dikenakan bayaran rm50 shj…dan bukan RM25k atau rm32k…..

Bonus pula akan diberikan berdasarkan hasil jualan kumpulan dan jualan peribadi setiap bulan.
Dan sekiranya produk yg PELABUR dapat….tidak dijual….mana mungkin mendapat bonus lg….

Beberapa persoalan timbul???
Mana dtg bonus bila tiada jual beli???
Pakej RM25K…jika amik Double Pakej….ada diskaun…bkn bayar rm50K tapi hanya RM32K???

Sistem apa yg digunakan??? Modal pula….dari bank2 tempatan dan pinjaman dibuat atas nama personal loan….tiada kaitan dgn Penganjur sistem ini….

Pembongkaran yg saya buat sebenarnya ingin membuka mata m,asyarakat di luar sana…
Mendapatkan keuntungan dgn jalan mudah….pasti ada Something Wrong!!!!!

Senang je dpt duit tanpa buat apa2….pasti Malaysia akan catat Zero Fakir Miskin….kerana smua boleh join sistem seperti ini dan berjaya…..

Sedarlah….untuk mendapatkan untung drpd bisnes…bkn semudah ABC…tetapi jika MENIPU untuk UNTUNG….anda akan dapat….bersama sumpahan2 dan doa2 org yg tertipu….

Kita nak berniaga lama maa…hati kena baik…hati kena busat……tipu2 org……meniaga kejap leiiii…

Saya berharap sgt, kisah ini dpt dikongsikan kpada smua ORG KITE….supaya semuanya SELAMAT dr gejala bisnes yg tak sihat ini.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Masalah Sembelit (Constipation)

Definisi sembelit

Sembelit ialah masalah yang dialami oleh individu yang buang air besar kurang daripada 3 kali seminggu, yang diikuti oleh mengeran (straining), sakit sewaktu buang air, dan buang air dengan sukar. Biasanya najis adalah keras dan berketul ketul dan kering. Individu yang menghidapi masalah sembelit harus peka dengan penemuan darah atau lendir dalam najis kerana kewujudan darah atau lendiran mukus boleh membawa petanda masalah yang lebih serius seperti polyps (ketumbuhan pre kanser) atau penyakit radang usus besar.

Gambar menunjukkan udara (dalam bulatan) dalam usus yang terkumpul akibat tidak dapat keluar daripada usus. Pengumpulan gas ini adalah akibat daripada najis tidak dapat keluar dariapada usus. Ketegangan pada usus ini seterusnya menyebabkan kesakitan dan rasa tidak selesa.

Secara umumnya, masalah sembelit adalah berpunca daripada kurangnya minum air. Kuantiti air yang perlu diminum oleh setiap individu dewasa ialah sebanya 2.5 liter air sehari. Kurangnya minum air boleh menyebabkan najis mengeras dan menyukarkan pergerakan najis keluar daripada salur rektum (salur usus yang terakhir).

Kurang memakan makanan pelawas seperti sayuran dan buah buahan juga menyumbang kepada berlakunya masalah sembelit. Pelawas (fiber) adalah bahagian serat pada buah buahan dan sayur sayuran yang tidak dapat dicernakan oleh badan dan ia dibuang keluar melalui najis. Serat/pelawas ini berupaya menyerap air dan memastikan najis lebih lembut dan mudah untuk ditolak keluar dari usus akhir (rektum).

Bersukan juga tidak kurang pentingnya bagi mengelakkan masalah sembelit. Hal ini mungkin kerana dengan bersukan, pergerakan najis keluar dari usus menjadi lebih cepat.

Terdapat segolongan masyarakat yang menghidap masalah usus sensitif (Irritable bowel syndrome) yang menyebabkan berlakunya masalah sembelit dan cirit birit yang silih berganti dan masalah ini berlaku dalam tempoh yang panjang (penyakit kronik). Dikatakan penyakit ini adalah berpunca daripada jangkitan usus oleh bakteria, menyebabkan usus menghadapi trauma, menyebabkan ia berada dalam keadaan sensitif selepas sembuh daripada jangkitan tersebut.

Umur yang lanjut juga merupakan faktor berlakunya masalah sembelit. Selain itu, pesakit yang baru lepas menjalani pembedahan biasanya mempunyai usus yang kurang aktif dan sakit dan ini boleh menyebabkan masalah sembelit. Tandas yang jauh dari rumah (tandas kampung) menyebabkan seseorang itu takut untuk keluar malam untuk buang air, juga walaupun nampak remeh, menyebabkan masalah sembelit.

Selain masalah masalah umum yang biasa kita jumpa di atas, terdapat masalah masalah lain yang lebih serius yang boleh membawa kepada masalah sembelit. Antaranya ialah:
  1. Luka pada lubang dubur.
  2. Rektum runtuh
  3. Terdapatnya kanser pada rektum
  4. Ulser pada lapisan dinding usus (mukosa)
  5. Radang usus besar Ulcerative colitis dan Crohn's disease (mereka juga membawa kepada masalah cirit birit)
  6. Radang divertikulum

Perubahan metabolik badan juga boleh menyebabkan sembelit:
  • Paras kalsium tinggi dalam darah
  • Paras kalium rendah dalam darah
  • Paras hormon thyroid yang rendah dalam darah
  • Penyakit porphyria (kandungan porphyrin yang tinggi dalam darah) - menyebabkan muntah dan sembelit
  • Keracunan oleh plumbum.

Antara ubat ubatan yang boleh menyebabkan masalah sembelit ialah:
  • Antasid yang mengandungi unsur Aluminium (biasanya AlOH3)
  • Ubat tahan sakit jenis opioid atau ubat batuk
  • Pil zat besi
  • Ubat penggalak kencing seperti Furosemide yang mengurangkan paras kalium dalam darah
  • Anticholinergics
  • Calcium channel blockers (ubat yang mengurangkan fungsi otot lembut seperti di salur darah dan usus)

Masalah pada saraf juga boleh menyebabkan sembelit. Antaranya termasuk:
  • Kecederaan pada tulang belakang atau pada saraf periferi
  • Penyakit usus akhir besar (mega-kolon, Hirschsprung)
  • Systemic Sclerosis (CREST) C untuk Calcinosis, C untuk Constipation
  • Penyakit neuropati (sakit saraf) akibat kencing manis, menjejaskan saraf autonomi yang mengawal aktiviti usus.


Jadi, apakah yang perlu dilakukan oleh individu yang menghadapi sembelit untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka?

Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, pesakit perlu memastikan mereka mengambil air dengan secukupnya, 2.5 liter sehari, bersukan, makan sayuran dan buahan. Pesakit juga perlu mengelakkan stres kerana stres merupakan satu faktor yang menyebabkan sembelit.

Ubat ubatan juga boleh didapatkan di farmasi dengan dan tanpa preskripsi dari doktor. Antara ubat ubat penting termasuk:

Agen yang dapat membanyakkan kuantiti najis (bulking agent) agar memudahkan pergerakan najis keluar dari hujung usus (rektum). Ini termasuk:

  • Methylcellulose (Celevac)
  • Fybogel
  • Julap
  • Julap semulajadi seperti Senna
  • Julap semulajadi Aloe vera
  • Julap Bisacodyl
  • Sodium picosulfate
  • Pelembut najis
  • Paraffin cecair
  • Minyak arachis
  • Julap osmotik
  • Glykogen pada akhir usus besar (rektum)
  • Laktulosa (gula ringkas ini tidak dapat dicernakan badan dan ia dapat membantu mengurangkan bakteria yang menghasilkan amonia, seterusnya amat baik bagi merawat penyakit encephalopathy)
credit to;
Muhammad Hafiz Sulaiman
Hradec Kralove, Kralovehradecky Kraj, Czech Republic
Pelajar perubatan di Charles University Hradec Kralove Czech Republic. Berminat dalam mencari info perubatan dan menyampaikannya kepada orang ramai.

Read more:


atau call/sms 019-7987852

Saturday, 26 January 2013

clean colon healthy skin healthy body

What are some of the symptoms of a clogged colon?

  • Constipation or diarrhea. 
  • Feeling heavy and bloated. 
  • Gas and stomach noises before and after eating. 
  • Feeling tired and irritable. 
  • Coated tongue, bad breath and body odor. 
  • Feeling mentally sluggish. 
  • Skin problems, itching, acne, eczema, dull dry or oily skin. 
It goes without saying, if a colon is clogged other organs in the body are going to be affected. All organs have harmony and synergy in the body. For example, if the colon is badly affected other organs will react too. It’s a bit like stubbing your big toe, you hop up and down until the pain subsides.

By: Dr. Sorai Suzanne Stuart PhD, ND

What are the symptoms of an impacted large intestine?

A distended abdomen is a definite sign of a more serious large intestinal problem. Obvious symptoms are halitosis, foul-smelling stools, acne, skin rashes and irritations, lower back pain, knee pains, flatulence (gas), diarrhea, headaches, sinus infections, excess mucus, constipation, fatigue, painful joints, insomnia, bladder infections, prostate discomfort, depression, mood swings, low-sex drive, abdominal bloat, nausea, and anxiety. Autointoxication plays a large role in the development of diseases in the female genito-urinary apparatus; this may be regarded as intestinal stasis. Potential misdiagnosed gallbladder ailments are possibly severe blockages within the large intestinal hepatic flexure. When a patient receives colonics many symptoms or problems are reduced or possibly eliminated.

It may be said that almost every chronic disease known is directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestines. The colon is a sewage system, your personal garbage disposal, by neglect and abuse it transforms into a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we feel healthy and balanced; allow it to stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and purification into the blood thus poisoning the brain and nervous system so that one becomes mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that one is weak and listless; poisons the lungs so that the breath is foul; poisons the digestive organs so that one is distressed and bloated; and poisons the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body becomes poisoned, we age prematurely, look and feel old, joints are stiff and painful; neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtakes one's health, thus the pleasure of living and thoroughly enjoying life is gone.

When the bowel is toxic it can harbor a variety of harmful bacteria and parasites. It's interesting to note that worms outrank cancer as man's deadliest enemy on a worldwide basis. It is estimated that 200 million people are highly infected, while the remaining population stores a smaller number of these internal parasites.

These parasites shall range in size from microscopic to twenty-foot long tapeworms! These parasites kill more people annually than cancer. The greater amount of fecal matter stored in the colon the greater the potential number of parasites. One in four people in the world today are infected by roundworms.

Your skin is the largest excretory organ in the body. When the colon is sluggish or clogged up that is an indication that an abundant of toxins exists within the large intestine. The skin will then react as an elimination organ in attempt to rid the body of poisons and toxins; this is noticeable with eczema, psoriasis and acne/blemishes (especially on the back and face.) Unhealthy skin is a sign of an unhealthy colon. Your Colon is your septic/garbage disposal. When it gets stopped up numerous health problems will arise; this is the body's attempt to warn you of potentially more serious health problems. No amount of antibiotics, skin creams or medication will alleviate the external problems; the cause must be treated first.

Arthritis and other joint related problems are effectively treated to diminish pain and swelling. Too many of the incorrect foods place the body out of balance, thus contributing to toxic build-up, pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, the "internal toxemia" the patient experiences is continually absorbed into the system contributing to greater inflammation and aggravation of the joints and bones.

Cancer cells plus a toxically packed colon prohibits the body from adequately assimilating proteins. Generally many Cancer patients are also deficient in sufficient amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and a healthy diet for their personal blood type and gland type. Colon Irrigations may certainly prove highly beneficial towards enhancing ones' ability to absorb macro and micronutrients. It is absolutely mandatory that a Cancer or Aids patients maintain healthy bowel elimination to allow their body to heal and restore itself. Bowel elimination is mandatory to effectively remove toxins and poisons from the body. One reason many Cancer patients die too soon is because the toxemia is unable to leave their bodies. As Cancerous tumors are being broken down, the body must effectively eliminate all the toxic products.

Toxins Within the Colon

Many poisons are known to exist within the Colon may produce the most detrimental effects:

Agamatine, Ammonia, Botulin, Butyric Acid (not to be confused with 4-Phenyl-n-butyric Acid),
Cadaverin, Cresol, Histidine, Indican
Indoethylamine, Indol, Methylgardinine, Methylmercaptan, Muscarine, Neurin, Pentamenthylendiamine, Phenol, Ptomarropine

In many cases, these toxins will seep out of the colon to poison the remainder of the body. Some examples of toxic poisoning are:
* Weaken and stress the heart.
* Poisons enter the skin and create blemishes, paleness and skin disorders.
* Liver spots, Psoriasis, wrinkles, etc.
* Irritate your lungs and mouth, thus foul breath - halitosis.
* Toxins enter the brain and may contribute to mental imbalance and senility.
* Contribute to many joint and bones pains, stiffness, swelling and weakness.
* Cause muscle pains, cramps, weakness and fatigue.
* Inability to sleep soundly, fatigued mentally and physically.
* Age the body faster than desired, destroy your health and cause you to become Old.

Understanding Constipation

Constipated means that the large intestine is packed with feces and gas; this has accumulated over weeks, months and years. Packed fecal matter causes difficult bowel evacuation. It is imperative to note that a state of Constipation can occur when movements of the bowels seem "normal"...there is apparently much accumulated feces somewhere along the passageways of the colon. Many people sincerely believe that there daily or multiple daily bowel movements is indicative of no constipation. Generally this awareness is the furthest from the truth. If you happen to have a distended belly that is a sure sign that you are loaded with feces and not necessarily fat!

A large number of Health authorities sincerely believe that constipation is the number one contributing affliction underlying every ailment. Life and death begins in the Colon. With this thought, constipation would be the most prevalent ailment affecting the civilized world, especially the US. Constipation affects the health of the colon, upon which the health of the body in its entirety depends.

Constipation contributes to lowering of the body resistance predisposing it to numerous acute illnesses and the beginning of degenerative and chronic processes. Nearly every human ailment has been attributed to a malfunctioning colon. Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation. It forces other organs to become over worked and fatigued - heart, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, skin, lungs, lymph, etc. Functioning of these organs becomes depleted, overworked, sluggish and unhealthy; repair and growth and healing become delayed, the ability to eliminate waste materials is lowered. The healthy cells within the body become deficient, dead and inactive, this increases poor health, and a decline in tissue and organ function ability.

Civilization destroys quality health. We must become an educated consumer and be aware of what is healthy to consume and what is unhealthy. Consumption of devitalized, vitamin enriched, processed, and chemically induced foods are one primary reason the colon poorly eliminates. Sufficient high moisture foods and water is mandatory for a healthy colon, thus a healthy body. Fifty percent of your daily diet MUST be raw vegetables and fruits plus a minimum of sixty-four ounces of pure water.

What about Laxatives?

Don't take them. Too many laxatives will contribute to a lazy colon, thus a potential prolapsed colon. A prolapsed colon is the result of the large intestine not using its' muscles, becomes sluggish and the transverse portion of the colon drops. Fortunately Colon Hydrotherapy can effectively strengthen the transverse. If constipated and pregnant consult with a Nutritionist or Naturopath for a healthy naturally safe herbal remedy. A healthy product is available in the shopping cart catalogue page.

Healthy Bowel Movements

We must have a healthy, normal bowel movement for every meal that we consume, each and everyday. If we eat three meals per day, we must have three bowel movements per day. When we were infants are bowels functioned healthy and regular. Food in, fecal out!

When we have less than two bowels movements per day, food residues accumulate for more than twelve hours, purification and fermentation begins and the insides begin rotting, aging and becoming ill. Any nutritional elements present in the fecal matter passes into the bloodstream as polluted products, thus toxemia commences. Pimples and other skin blemishes are generally the first sign of toxemia.

A healthy bowel movement must be eighteen inches long (for an adult,) one solid piece, light golden brown in color, one inch in diameter, odorless and floats in the toilet basin. Anything other than that is unhealthy. Broken apart, hard, dark, odor, large or loose stools are the indication of purification and constipation and thus the beginning of poor health. Use this as your barometer for quality health as a result from quality eating.

*this post is mostly a copy from few websites.


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Friday, 4 January 2013


We keep ourselves clean on the outside but how many of us keep ourselves clean on the inside? 

Many modern day natural healers believe that over 80% of chronic disease is caused in the colon, eventually leading to colon cancer. That is quite a staggering fact and worrying too.

A periodic detox method cleaning or cleansing program of the internal environment can help you feel refreshed and reduce the risk of potential problems brought on by an accumulation of toxins which can eventually make you quite ill. We are all regularly exposed to pollution from food additives, preservatives, heavy metals, (including drugs given to livestock) pesticide food, and chemicals in household products. This is why detoxification is so important.

The toxins can re-circulate in the body if the eliminatory functions are not working effectively and fat-soluble toxins can be stored in fatty parts of the body for many years. Here will explain how to rid your body of toxins effectively.

A toxic environment in the body can result in a lowered immune system, causing excess free radical damage and can provide an ideal habitat for bad bacteria, parasites and ultimately disease. The accumulation of toxins can overwhelm even the strongest body and skin, resulting in some of the health problems:

  • Acne 
  • Constipation 
  • Allergies 
  • Fatigue 
  • Bad Breath 
  • Gastrointestinal Disorder 
  • Weight Issues 
  • Skin Disorders 
  • Bloating 
  • Headaches 
  • Body Odor 
  • Hemorrhoids 
In addition, many people just don’t drink enough water, eat healthy foods or have a natural diet which is high in fiber and this can often create irregular and infrequent bowel movements, potentially harming the colon and adding to the toxic load in the body.

Eating fruits and vegetables along with drinking a good antioxidant drink will help with your fiber intake, and a green tea drink will also cleanse too.

It all sounds horrible doesn’t it? What is the answer?

We have V3SR that will help with removing toxins, help with weight loss and give your body a natural spring clean from it all. And help you really feel the difference! The V3SR will easily help you to detoxify, stop you from feeling ill, help you to feel much better, healthier and maybe even live longer! The V3SR is a detoxifying, alkalizing product that promotes pH balance within the body.

Whether we want to believe it or not, eventually we all have to face the reality!

Whether we want to (like it or not) we regularly, as part of our daily lives, absorb more harmful chemicals and other toxins into our bodies. Even heavy metals don’t escape. The thing is that most of us are not aware of the harmful nature of them. Oblivious that they exist and yet we are surrounded by them in the foods we eat, products we use, unavoidable places we find ourselves in and even our own comfy homes etc.

To thrive and survive in our world, YOU personally need to be prepared, plan for it, and have the know-how to get rid of toxic build-up within your own body and system.

contact me for free consultation of V3SR body-reprogramming.
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call/SMS 019-7987852

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